Joel David Mammen
left this world in the early morning hours of May 12th. He was 37 years old. He will be forever missed by his Mom and Dad, his sister Rachel, his “brother” Jaxon (our poodle), and a host of family and friends who loved and enjoyed him, though most of them often wanted to bonk him in the head.
Like most people, Joel was a complex individual – a good friend said he’d miss the “complicated, convoluted innocence of Joel”.
He was bright, and a deep thinker, as evidenced by his graduation with honors from ASU.
He was quirky, and witty, and tender-hearted in an endearing way, with a real heart for justice.
Another good friend described Joel as having a sweet character, and that his legacy is one of loyalty, love, determination, and a desire for the good, and that he appreciated Joel’s sense of humor and sensitive spirit. Joel was not perfect by any means, and he would be the first to protest if we pretended that was so. But Joel was all of those things, and more, when at his best. I’ll always wish that he could have seen that.
Joel was our movie expert – a veritable “Rainman” of movies, and he would like it very much if you’d watch
Citizen Kane
, Weekend at Bernie’s, a Zombie movie (yeah, not funny, right?) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind in his honor. He was also a lover of irreverent memes, The Bad Christian podcast, and poking people in the eyes with sharp sticks. (You know it’s true.)
He was my pal, our Joelster, and despite all of his quirks, Joel was loved and cherished by many.
In lieu of flowers, we suggest a donation to a foodbank where he helped. You can donate at
using the category Joel Mammen Memorial or by following the instructions there to donate via text using the keyword joelmammenmemorial.